Dear Diary,
After Elinor told me what Willoughby had done to that poor girl, I couldn’t believe it! The man I fell in love with was an animal. Now I can see the truth and be released that I could’ve been that girl, but, fortunately, I’m not. I still loved him - I didn’t think I’d never stop loving him - but I was glad he married someone else.
And I loved that Elinor had fallen for the right person. Edward loved my sister, but he was going to marry someone else because he had promised he would do so. He is very honored. Of course I was unhappy for her not marrying him, but I'm sure she will find someone else as kind as him.
I was already feeling sick of London, then we decided to go back home. In the way, we stopped at the Palmers’ house and I loved to be able to walk in the countryside again. Unfortunately, I fell ill and I kept getting worse and worse. Colonel Brandon even brought my mom and for that I was thankful. Once I got better, we went back to Barton.
I asked Elinor one day if she thought Willoughby really loved me and then she told me about a conversation she had with him and I realised he was not as awful as I thought he was. I cried a lot that day, but, a few days later, I decided that my family was the most important thing I could have.
Elinor and Edward got married and I am very happy for her. And I was wrong about Colonel Brandon. I discovered that I could marry a man I was not passionately in love with. So, a few years later, I married him, everyone is so happy the it happened and they are so glad that now he is happier than ever. I helped him forget his unhappy past, and now I love him as much as I had Ioved Willoughby.