Thursday, June 8, 2017

Marianne's Diary - The End

Dear Diary,
After Elinor told me what Willoughby had done to that poor girl, I couldn’t believe it! The man I fell in love with was an animal. Now I can see the truth and be released that I could’ve been that girl, but, fortunately, I’m not. I still loved him - I didn’t think I’d never stop loving him - but I was glad he married someone else.
And I loved that Elinor had fallen for the right person. Edward loved my sister, but he was going to marry someone else because he had promised he would do so. He is very honored. Of course I was unhappy for her not marrying him, but I'm sure she will find someone else as kind as him.
I was already feeling sick of London, then we decided to go back home. In the way, we stopped at the Palmers’ house and I loved to be able to walk in the countryside again. Unfortunately, I fell ill and I kept getting worse and worse. Colonel Brandon even brought my mom and for that I was thankful. Once I got better, we went back to Barton.
I asked Elinor one day if she thought Willoughby really loved me and then she told me about a conversation she had with him and I realised he was not as awful as I thought he was. I cried a lot that day, but, a few days later, I decided that my family was the most important thing I could have.
Elinor and Edward got married and I am very happy for her. And I was wrong about Colonel Brandon. I discovered that I could marry a man I was not passionately in love with. So, a few years later, I married him, everyone is so happy the it happened and they are so glad that now he is happier than ever. I helped him forget his unhappy past, and now I love him as much as I had Ioved Willoughby.

Marianne's Diary - Part Five

Dear Diary,
London is a wonderful city! I was happy to be here. Specially because of someone. We can call him Potato King. I was so excited to meet Potato King that I wrote him a letter. I waited for a long time for a response, but I had none. Neither found him. But, a few days later, Colonel Brandon mentioned that everyone was telling him I was engaged to Willoughby. I was very confused.
Then I saw him at a party, but he was with a pretty young woman and he didn’t come to talk with me. I was, at least, surprised. And then, when we talked to him, he didn’t talk to me directly. All I could think was that he was engaged to the woman. I spent the night crying and everyone was worried with me, but there was nothing I could do.
The next day, Elinor gave me a letter he wrote, in which he returned all the letters I so devotionally wrote to him and the lock of hair I gave him. But, what hurt more, was he saying that I was in friendzone. He was so cold telling me he had no feelings for me that it felt like everything we lived was nothing but a long forgotten dream.
I fell in love with the wrong person.
I want to die.

Marianne's Diary - Part Four

Dear diary,
I feel like life is fading from my body. I miss him so much and I’ll never be happy again! I should’ve done something to convince him to stay. I cry all the time, like a big crying baby and I’m not ashamed. And I just can’t forget him. I keep seeing him everywhere I look. Like when Edward came to visit and I thought it was him. Of course I was happy to see that at least Elinor could be happy, even though I couldn’t. I was trying very hard not to see Edward and to leave him alone with my sister whenever it was possible. Elinor deserved to be happy and I deserved Willoughby.
The one thing that made me excited and happy again was an invitation to go to London for a season. A few days after the invitation, I met Anne and Lucy Steele - or Anne and Lucy UGHHHH! I don’t like them. Not a bit. They could’ve been good company, and Lucy was very polite, but she was fucking engaged to Edward Ferrars! And she still wanted to have my sister as her best friend.

Marianne's Diary - Part Three

Dear Diary,
I wish my sister would stop interfering in my life. For God’s sake! It’s my life! I’m happy! I even gave him a lock of my hair. That’s not my fault if she gave up Edward. Just let me be happy with Willoughby! We are always together and everyone thinks we should be more discreet, but who cares? It’s my business if I let him cut a lock of my hair. And I bet she fell in love with Colonel Brandon. He’s her only friend and they’re always talking to each other. By the way, I found out he has an illegitimate daughter!
Returning to Willoughby and being in love, we visited his home and, after that, he started spending more time with me, my mom and my sisters. But today he told me he has to leave the county. I’m feeling dead inside. I just love him so much!

Marianne's Diary - Part Two

Dear Diary,
Here I am again.
Barton Cottage is not as bad as I thought it would be. Of course it’s smaller than our house Norland Park, but now we’re safe and sound, and happier than we were next to that person whose name I don’t need to say. Sir John Middleton, my mother’s cousin, welcomed us warmly. He’s a very kind and good person and helped us a lot. His wife, Lady Middleton, is very elegant and polite, but wasn’t as warm as her husband. We had a welcoming dinner two days after we arrived, where we met Colonel Brandon and Mrs. Jennings, Lady Middleton’s mother. Colonel Brandon is still single at thirty-five - THIRTY-FIVE! - and is definitely too old to get married. But he was the only person who paid attention when I played the piano later that night so Elinor thinks that he is love with me. Ewww!!!
After that, we started to explore the area around our cottage and, very fast, our favorite activity became walking in the hills. One day, I was walking with Margaret and it started to rain a lot. We started to run, but I slipped on the wet grass and fell. Luckily, there was a gentleman hunting and he ran over to see if I needed help. I found out my ankle was hurt, then he picked me up and brought me home. I was so embarrassed! His name is Willoughby and, well, we all agreed he was very handsome.

The next day, he went to the cottage to see how I was doing. I was, again, very embarrassed, but soon I realised he was a perfect gentleman. He loves dancing  and music, which means he’s nothing like Edward Ferrars! He is perfect.

Characters: Marianne Dashwood

Marianne represents the sensibility of the book. She's the middle Dashwood sister, very romantic, sentimental and of course emotional. She falls in love very fast with Willoughby but he abandons her, and after that, she does not even try to restrain or moderate her sadness.

She bursts into tears a lot of times, showing that she is very emotional. In the end Marianne has to temper her sensibility with some good sense. She gave up Willoughby and she abandoned her childish, idealistic notions of love at first sight and allows herself to gradually develop affections for Colonel Brandon, who she really married.

Characters: Lucy Steele

       Exceptionally pretty, Lucy ensnares Edward's affection while he is her uncle's pupil. She herself has little education and no money and is glad of  this opportunity to come up in the world.

     Somewhat smarter than her sister, Lucy is still silly, unpolished and judget by the Dashwood girls to be unremarkably average company. She also proves to be opportunistic, wrangling her way into the Ferrars family despite being poor and not well connected.

First chapter's summary

  Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dashwood were a rich couple wich had a child called John Dashwood. When Mrs. Dashwood died Mr. Dashwood married again and had 3 daughters: Elinor, Marianne and Margaret.
  After Mrs. Dashwood death, John became rich and became even richer when he married Fanny Ferrars who he had a son with. When Mr. Dashwood was an old man he decided to give all his inheritance to his grandchild cause he thought he could work for a long time and make more money to help his wife and daughters.
  However, after a while he got sick and haven't made the money he was supposed to and when he was almost dying he talked with John and made him promisse he would help his mother and sisters. Although Fanny convinced John that he didn't have to help them with money and he gave nothing to them because for him Fanny was always right.
  This put Mrs. Dashwood and the sisters in a difficult condition, they didn't have their own home (because the house was John's son property) and then, Fanny and John have gone living there.
  After a few months they received a visitor that made the Dashwoods happier, Edward Ferrars, Fanny's old brother, but Fanny and her mother wasn't pleased to see him because they thought he should be someone important, but he was shy and wanted to have a calm and simple life.
  As the time passed, Edward liked Elinor more and more and they fell in love, but one day Fanny talked to Mrs. Dashwood that Edward would never marry with Elinor and this made she really angry so then she told her daughters they couldn't stay there anymore and they've moved to Devon after receiving a letter from a distant relative sir John Middletown, asking if they would accept his offer of a house there.

Chapter 2

                             Chapter 2

The Second chapter shows they way to Devon and the problems they had with the money sharing because of John's wife, Fanny, thought​ a thousand pounds was too much, saying that, Jhon decided not to give any money to the Dashwood's but small gifts

I think this chapter is one of the best cause it explains how they were screwed and were dependents of other people


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